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BeeProg2 Extremely fast universal USB interfaced programmer

BeeProg2 Extremely fast universal USB interfaced programmer

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Short description:

111627 supported devices from 354 manufacturers by 3.37 version of SW (17. May. 2018)

List of devices supported by

extremely fast programming, one of the fastest programmers in this category.

Sustainable programming speed greater than 5 MBytes per second.

Programs 2 GB eMMC NAND Flash in less than 365 sec.

48-pins powerful pindrivers, no adapter required for any DIL devices

ISP connector for in-circuit programming

dual connection to PC: USB (up to 480 Mbit/s) or parallel (printer) port

USB 2.0 (high speed, full speed) and 1.1 compatible interface

alternatively high-speed IEEE 1284 (ECP/EPP) printer-port (LPT) interface

comfortable and easy to use control program, works with all versions of MS Windows from Windows XP to Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit*)

unique quick reaction to customer's needs - software update can be ready within a day from request by OnDemand software

Multiprogramming possible by attaching more programmers to one PC

made in Slovakia

warranty - 3 years

approved by CE laboratory to meet CE requirements



? BeeProg2 is next member of USB/LPT-compatible, MS Windows (from Windows XP to Windows 10 32-bit and 64-bit) based ELNEC universal programmers, built to meet the strong demand of the small manufacturing and developers community for the fast and reliable universal programmer.

? BeeProg2 programmer is the improvement of BeeProg+ programmer, difference is much higher programming speed (up to 10x) of high-capacity memories, due to more powerful programming core (FPGA) inside.

? Supports all kinds of types and silicon technologies of today and tomorrow programmable devices without family-specific module. You have freedom to choose the optimal device for your design. Using built-in in-circuit serial programming (ISP) connector, the programmer is able to program ISP capable chips in circuit.

? BeeProg2 isn't only a programmer, but also a tester of TTL/CMOS logic ICs and memories. Furthermore, it allows generation of user-definable test pattern sequences.

? Provides very competitive price coupled with excellent hardware design for reliable programming. Probably best "value for money"programmer in this class.

? Extremely fast programming due to high-speed FPGA driven hardware and execution of time-critical routines inside of the programmer. As a result, when used in manually-operated production, this one-socket-programmer in most cases waits for an operator.

? BeeProg2 interfaces with any IBM PC compatible personal computers, running MS Windows OS, through USB (2.0 HigSpeed) port or any standard parallel (printer) port. Support of both USB/LPT port connection gives you the choice to connect the BeeProg2 programmer to any PC, from latest notebook to older desktop without USB port.


? FPGA based totally reconfigurable 48 powerful TTL pindrivers provide H/L/pull_up/pull_down and read capability for each pin of socket. Advanced pindrivers incorporate high-quality high-speed circuitry to deliver signals without overshoot or ground bounce for all supported devices. Improved pin drivers drivers operate down to 1.8V so you'll be ready to program the full range of today's advanced low-voltage devices.

? The programmer performs device insertion test based on the check of proper signal path between the programmer and programmed device before it programs each device. In dependence on programming configuration it identifies missed or poor contact between programmed device and the ZIF socket of the programming adapter (or the programmer directly), missed or poor contact between the programming adapter and the programmer and it's also able to indicate wrong position of device in the ZIF socket of the programmer / the programming adapter (moved, rotated, backward oriented). These capabilities, supported by overcurrent protection and signature-byte check help prevent chip damage due to operator error.

? The selftest capability allow to run diagnostic part of software to thoroughly check the health of the programmer.

? Built-in protection circuits eliminate damage of programmer and/or programmed device due to environment or operator failure. All the inputs of the BeeProg2 programmer, including the ZIF socket, connection to PC and power supply input, are protected against ESD up to 15kV.

? When programming specification require, the (BeeProg2) programmer performs programming verification at the marginal level of supply voltage, which, obviously, improves programming yield, and guarantees long data retention.

? Various programming adapters are available to handle device in PLCC, JLCC, SOIC, SDIP, SOP, PSOP, SSOP, TSOP, TSOPII, TSSOP, QFP, PQFP, TQFP, VQFP, QFN (MLF), SON, BGA, EBGA, FBGA, VFBGA, UBGA, FTBGA, LAP, CSP, SCSP, LQFP, MQFP, HVQFN, QLP, QIP and other packages.


? Programmer is driven by an easy-to-use control program with pull-down menu, hot keys and on-line help. Selecting of device is performed by its class, by manufacturer or simply by typing a fragment of vendor name and/or part number.

? Standard device-related commands (read, blank check, program, verify, erase) are boosted by some test functions (insertion test, signature-byte check), and some special functions (autoincrement, production mode - start immediately after insertion of chip into socket).

? All known data formats are supported. Automatic file format detection and conversion during loading of file.

? The rich-featured auto-increment function enables one to assign individual serial numbers to each programmed device - or simply increments a serial number, or the function enables one to read serial numbers or any programmed device identification signatures from a file.

? The software also provide a many information about programmed device. As a special, the drawings of all available packages are provided. The software provide also explanation of chip labelling (the meaning of prefixes and suffixes at the chips) for each supported chip.

? The software provide a full information for ISP implementation: Description of ISP connector pins for currently selected chip, recommended target design around in-circuit programmed chip and other necessary information.

? The remote control feature allows to be PG4UW software flow controlled by other application ? either using .BAT file commands or using DLL file. DLL file, examples (C/PAS/VBASIC/.NET) and manual are part of standard software delivery.

? Jam files of JEDEC standard JESD-71 are interpreted by Jam Player. Jam files are generated by design software which is provided by manufacturer of respective programmable device. Chips are programmed in-ZIF or through ISP connector (IEEE 1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface).

? VME files are interpreted by VME Player. VME file is a compressed binary variation of SVF file and contains high-level IEEE 1149.1 bus operations. SVF files are interpreted by SVF Player. SVF file (Serial Vector Format) contains high-level IEEE 1149.1 bus operations. SVF files are generated by design software which is provided by manufacturer of respective programmable device. Chips are programmed in-ZIF or through ISP connector (IEEE 1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface). VME files are generated by design software which is provided by manufacturer of respective programmable device. Chips are programmed in-ZIF or through ISP connector (IEEE 1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface).

? Multiple devices are possible to program and test via JTAG chain: JTAG chain (ISP-Jam), JTAG chain (ISP-VME), JTAG chain (ISP-SVF) or JTAG chain (ISP-STP).

? Attaching of more BeeProg2 programmers to the same PC (through USB port) is achieved a powerful multiprogramming system, which support as many chips, as are supported by BeeProg2 programmer and without obvious decreasing of programming speed. It is important to know, there is a concurrent multiprogramming - each programmer works independently and each programmer can program different chip, if necessary.


BeeProg2 Extremely fast universal USB interfaced programmer

TQFP44 to DIP44 Programmer Adapter Socket for RT809H XELTEK USB programmer

CHIP PROGRAMMER SOCKET TQFP44 TO DIP44 adapter socket support ATMEGA8 series


Best quality, QFP44 to 44Dip Adapter

Suitable for QFP44 IC

patch size : 0.8mm 10mm * 10mm


Support Atmel Atmega TQFP44 device

eg.mega328 mega8A mega48 mega8 mega88 mega16 mega162 mega168

Comes with AVRISP header, directly connect to AVRISP, USBASP, MkII, for direct burning of firmware or arduino bootloaders

Crysal header so that crystal can be replaced easily

Convert to DIP44 Atmega328 format, Pin to pin comptabile with Atmega DIP44 MCU format

Package included:

Programmer Adapter QFP44 to DIP44


Type A: Use for XELTEK USB Programmer - Overlapping

Type B: Use for TNM5000 Programmer - Pin to Pin


TQFP44 to DIP44 Programmer Adapter Socket for RT809H XELTEK USB programmer

XELTEK SuperPro 6100N Universal IC Chip Device Programmer NEWEST version 20 Adapters EDID code

XELTEK SuperPro 6100N (so not 6100)Universal Programmer 100,000+ devices supported

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SuperPro 6100N is a cost-effective, reliable, and high-speed universal chip programmer. It is designed to communicate using USB 2.0 port for development requirement and can also work in standalone mode (without connecting to a PC) for production requirement. It has the largest device support count in the programming industry with 144 pin drivers to support high pin count chips.

Application and target customers: Programming houses, electronic repair, car repair shops, forensic and data recovery companies, medical devices, requirement for larger device support.

Advantages of SuperPro 6100N

Ultra Fast Programming Speed SuperPro 6100 is designed with high programming speed in mind. Our semiconductor manufacturer approved algorithms, precision and clean signals guarantee high programming yield. Special design was made to eliminate overshoot and ground bounce. Algorithms are performed with state machine architecture constructed with FPGA to achieve a ultra-high programming speed.

Largest Device Support Located in Silicon Valley, we keep good relationships with many major IC companies that are important for us to continuously support new devices. SuperPro 6100 currently supports more than 100,000 devices, which is the largest device library in the programming industry. Requested device algorithms can be added within a week - average lead time from other manufacturers is over two months.

Built-in 144 Pin Driver Most universal IC programmers are designed with 48 pin driver or less. Programmers with a 48 pin driver design need special adapters (pin mapping) to accommodate devices with more than 48 pins. Bottom boards needed for pin mapping can quickly increase production costs just to support one package type. SuperPro 6100N is equipped with a built-in universal 144 pin driver to accommodate large pin count devices. One universal adapter accommodates all devices with the same package type.

Stand-Alone Mode Unlike many other universal programmers in the industry, SuperPro 6100N is capable of operating in stand-alone mode. Under stand-alone mode, SuperPro 6100 can be operated by an inexperienced operator with minimal training. Once the project file is selected, the operator only has to insert a blank chip and remove the programmed chip upon beeping. This ensures a minimal chance that an operator will make a mistake. Users can also use clusters of stand-alone programmers to achieve high volume production. Last but not the least, stand-alone mode saves both the cost of PC and labor of the trained and qualified operator.

Tester for Logic Devices and SRAMs In addition to having a large device library, SuperPro 6100 programmer is also designed for IC testing of varioudevices such as TTL, CMOS Logic (74/4000 series), and SRAM memory devices.

Hardware and Electrical Specifications

Devices supported

EPROM, Paged EPROM, Parallel and Serial EEPROM, FPGA Configuration PROM, FLASH memory (NOR), BPROM, NVRAM, SPLD, CPLD, EPLD, Firmware HUB, Microcontroller, MCU

Package types supported


PC interface

USB 2.0

Stand-alone memory

Compact FLASH Card

Power supply

AC Adapter: Input AC 100V- 240V; Output: 12V/1.5A


Main unit: 148(L) x 216(W) x 94(H) mm

Package: 301(L) x 252(W) x 145(H) mm


Main unit: Weight 3.5 lbs (1.6 Kg)

Package: Weight 6.2 lbs (2.8Kg)

Expanded Features

Operate multiple units to construct a concurrent multi-programming system. Cluster 1-15 units for flexible volume production.

Support devices with Vcc from 1.2V - 5V.

Support files up to 256 GB.

Over-current and over-voltage protection for safety of the chip and programmer hardware.

Only IC manufacturer approved programming algorithms used for high reliability.

Vcc verification (at +5% ~ -5% and +10% ~ -10%) enhances programming reliability.

Ac Acessories:

Main unit with a DIP48 adaptor, AC adaptor, USB2.0 cable, user manual, software CD, register card

Optional accessories: adaptor in varies packages, CF card for stand-alone operation.

Packing List:

1 * XELTEK SuperPro 6100N Programmer

1 * AC Adapter: Input AC 100V- 240V; Output: 12V/1.5A

1 * USB Cable

1 * CD Software

1 * DX0001 Adapter

1 * TSOP48 Adapter

1 * SOP28-DIP28 (300mil) Adaptador

1 * SOP20-DIP20 (200mil) Adaptador

1 * SOP8-DIP8 (200mil) Adaptador

1 * SOP16-DIP16 (150mil) Adaptador

1 * SOP8-DIP8 (150mil) Adaptador

1 * TSSOP8-DIP8 (170mil) Adaptador

1 * PLCC44-DIP44

1 * PLCC44-DIP40

1 * PLCC32-DIP32

1 * PLCC28-DIP28

1 * PLCC28-DIP24

1 * PLCC20-DIP20

1 * SOP8-DIP8 Simple Adaptador

1 * QFN8 WSON8 Simple Adaptador

1 * MSOP8/SSOP8/SOP8/SOP16-DIP16 Simple Adaptador

2 * SSOP4-28PIN 0.65mm / SOP4-28PIN 1.27mm Simple Adaptador

1 * LCD LED screen EDID code

1 * SOP8 Clamp Test

1 * IC Chip Extractor


XELTEK SuperPro 6100N Universal IC Chip Device Programmer NEWEST version + 20 Adapters EDID code

QFP64 to DIP64 CHIP PROGRAMMER SOCKET QFP6405REV2 TypeU adapter socket


QFP64/LQFP64/TQFP64-0.5 (compatible with XWDZ-QFP64-0.5/FPQ-64-0.5-06)

Product use:

Programming block and test stand, burning and testing the IC chip of QFP64.

Suitable for packaging:

QFP64 LQFP64 TQFP64 CQFP64 pin Pitch 0.5mm


The bottom pin is fully led out by the chip, which is convenient for the two development.

Overall size of the seat:

Long 57mm, wide 50mm

Common: STM32 QFP64 encapsulation

STM32L1xxR series (e.g. STM32L151R8, STM32L152RB)

STM32F0xxR series (e.g. STM32F051RC, STM32F051RB)

STM32F1xxR series (e.g. STM32F103RC, STM32F100RB)

STM32F2xxR series (e.g. STM32F207RC, STM32F215RB)

STM32F3xxR series (e.g. STM32F303R8, STM32F373RB)

STM32F4xxR series (e.g. STM32F407RC, STM32F415RB)


QFP64 to DIP64 CHIP PROGRAMMER SOCKET QFP64-0.5-REV2 Type-U adapter socket

BeeProg2 Extremely fast universal USB interfaced programmer

BeeProg2 Extremely fast universal USB interfaced programmer

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Short description:

111627 supported devices from 354 manufacturers by 3.37 version of SW (17. May. 2018)

List of devices supported by

extremely fast programming, one of the fastest programmers in this category.

Sustainable programming speed greater than 5 MBytes per second.

Programs 2 GB eMMC NAND Flash in less than 365 sec.

48-pins powerful pindrivers, no adapter required for any DIL devices

ISP connector for in-circuit programming

dual connection to PC: USB (up to 480 Mbit/s) or parallel (printer) port

USB 2.0 (high speed, full speed) and 1.1 compatible interface

alternatively high-speed IEEE 1284 (ECP/EPP) printer-port (LPT) interface

comfortable and easy to use control program, works with all versions of MS Windows from Windows XP to Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit*)

unique quick reaction to customer's needs - software update can be ready within a day from request by OnDemand software

Multiprogramming possible by attaching more programmers to one PC

made in Slovakia

warranty - 3 years

approved by CE laboratory to meet CE requirements



? BeeProg2 is next member of USB/LPT-compatible, MS Windows (from Windows XP to Windows 10 32-bit and 64-bit) based ELNEC universal programmers, built to meet the strong demand of the small manufacturing and developers community for the fast and reliable universal programmer.

? BeeProg2 programmer is the improvement of BeeProg+ programmer, difference is much higher programming speed (up to 10x) of high-capacity memories, due to more powerful programming core (FPGA) inside.

? Supports all kinds of types and silicon technologies of today and tomorrow programmable devices without family-specific module. You have freedom to choose the optimal device for your design. Using built-in in-circuit serial programming (ISP) connector, the programmer is able to program ISP capable chips in circuit.

? BeeProg2 isn't only a programmer, but also a tester of TTL/CMOS logic ICs and memories. Furthermore, it allows generation of user-definable test pattern sequences.

? Provides very competitive price coupled with excellent hardware design for reliable programming. Probably best "value for money"programmer in this class.

? Extremely fast programming due to high-speed FPGA driven hardware and execution of time-critical routines inside of the programmer. As a result, when used in manually-operated production, this one-socket-programmer in most cases waits for an operator.

? BeeProg2 interfaces with any IBM PC compatible personal computers, running MS Windows OS, through USB (2.0 HigSpeed) port or any standard parallel (printer) port. Support of both USB/LPT port connection gives you the choice to connect the BeeProg2 programmer to any PC, from latest notebook to older desktop without USB port.


? FPGA based totally reconfigurable 48 powerful TTL pindrivers provide H/L/pull_up/pull_down and read capability for each pin of socket. Advanced pindrivers incorporate high-quality high-speed circuitry to deliver signals without overshoot or ground bounce for all supported devices. Improved pin drivers drivers operate down to 1.8V so you'll be ready to program the full range of today's advanced low-voltage devices.

? The programmer performs device insertion test based on the check of proper signal path between the programmer and programmed device before it programs each device. In dependence on programming configuration it identifies missed or poor contact between programmed device and the ZIF socket of the programming adapter (or the programmer directly), missed or poor contact between the programming adapter and the programmer and it's also able to indicate wrong position of device in the ZIF socket of the programmer / the programming adapter (moved, rotated, backward oriented). These capabilities, supported by overcurrent protection and signature-byte check help prevent chip damage due to operator error.

? The selftest capability allow to run diagnostic part of software to thoroughly check the health of the programmer.

? Built-in protection circuits eliminate damage of programmer and/or programmed device due to environment or operator failure. All the inputs of the BeeProg2 programmer, including the ZIF socket, connection to PC and power supply input, are protected against ESD up to 15kV.

? When programming specification require, the (BeeProg2) programmer performs programming verification at the marginal level of supply voltage, which, obviously, improves programming yield, and guarantees long data retention.

? Various programming adapters are available to handle device in PLCC, JLCC, SOIC, SDIP, SOP, PSOP, SSOP, TSOP, TSOPII, TSSOP, QFP, PQFP, TQFP, VQFP, QFN (MLF), SON, BGA, EBGA, FBGA, VFBGA, UBGA, FTBGA, LAP, CSP, SCSP, LQFP, MQFP, HVQFN, QLP, QIP and other packages.


? Programmer is driven by an easy-to-use control program with pull-down menu, hot keys and on-line help. Selecting of device is performed by its class, by manufacturer or simply by typing a fragment of vendor name and/or part number.

? Standard device-related commands (read, blank check, program, verify, erase) are boosted by some test functions (insertion test, signature-byte check), and some special functions (autoincrement, production mode - start immediately after insertion of chip into socket).

? All known data formats are supported. Automatic file format detection and conversion during loading of file.

? The rich-featured auto-increment function enables one to assign individual serial numbers to each programmed device - or simply increments a serial number, or the function enables one to read serial numbers or any programmed device identification signatures from a file.

? The software also provide a many information about programmed device. As a special, the drawings of all available packages are provided. The software provide also explanation of chip labelling (the meaning of prefixes and suffixes at the chips) for each supported chip.

? The software provide a full information for ISP implementation: Description of ISP connector pins for currently selected chip, recommended target design around in-circuit programmed chip and other necessary information.

? The remote control feature allows to be PG4UW software flow controlled by other application ? either using .BAT file commands or using DLL file. DLL file, examples (C/PAS/VBASIC/.NET) and manual are part of standard software delivery.

? Jam files of JEDEC standard JESD-71 are interpreted by Jam Player. Jam files are generated by design software which is provided by manufacturer of respective programmable device. Chips are programmed in-ZIF or through ISP connector (IEEE 1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface).

? VME files are interpreted by VME Player. VME file is a compressed binary variation of SVF file and contains high-level IEEE 1149.1 bus operations. SVF files are interpreted by SVF Player. SVF file (Serial Vector Format) contains high-level IEEE 1149.1 bus operations. SVF files are generated by design software which is provided by manufacturer of respective programmable device. Chips are programmed in-ZIF or through ISP connector (IEEE 1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface). VME files are generated by design software which is provided by manufacturer of respective programmable device. Chips are programmed in-ZIF or through ISP connector (IEEE 1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface).

? Multiple devices are possible to program and test via JTAG chain: JTAG chain (ISP-Jam), JTAG chain (ISP-VME), JTAG chain (ISP-SVF) or JTAG chain (ISP-STP).

? Attaching of more BeeProg2 programmers to the same PC (through USB port) is achieved a powerful multiprogramming system, which support as many chips, as are supported by BeeProg2 programmer and without obvious decreasing of programming speed. It is important to know, there is a concurrent multiprogramming - each programmer works independently and each programmer can program different chip, if necessary.


BeeProg2 Extremely fast universal USB interfaced programmer

TQFP44 to DIP44 Programmer Adapter Socket for RT809H XELTEK USB programmer

CHIP PROGRAMMER SOCKET TQFP44 TO DIP44 adapter socket support ATMEGA8 series


Best quality, QFP44 to 44Dip Adapter

Suitable for QFP44 IC

patch size : 0.8mm 10mm * 10mm


Support Atmel Atmega TQFP44 device

eg.mega328 mega8A mega48 mega8 mega88 mega16 mega162 mega168

Comes with AVRISP header, directly connect to AVRISP, USBASP, MkII, for direct burning of firmware or arduino bootloaders

Crysal header so that crystal can be replaced easily

Convert to DIP44 Atmega328 format, Pin to pin comptabile with Atmega DIP44 MCU format

Package included:

Programmer Adapter QFP44 to DIP44


Type A: Use for XELTEK USB Programmer - Overlapping

Type B: Use for TNM5000 Programmer - Pin to Pin


TQFP44 to DIP44 Programmer Adapter Socket for RT809H XELTEK USB programmer

XELTEK SuperPro 6100N Universal IC Chip Device Programmer NEWEST version 20 Adapters EDID code

XELTEK SuperPro 6100N (so not 6100)Universal Programmer 100,000+ devices supported

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SuperPro 6100N is a cost-effective, reliable, and high-speed universal chip programmer. It is designed to communicate using USB 2.0 port for development requirement and can also work in standalone mode (without connecting to a PC) for production requirement. It has the largest device support count in the programming industry with 144 pin drivers to support high pin count chips.

Application and target customers: Programming houses, electronic repair, car repair shops, forensic and data recovery companies, medical devices, requirement for larger device support.

Advantages of SuperPro 6100N

Ultra Fast Programming Speed SuperPro 6100 is designed with high programming speed in mind. Our semiconductor manufacturer approved algorithms, precision and clean signals guarantee high programming yield. Special design was made to eliminate overshoot and ground bounce. Algorithms are performed with state machine architecture constructed with FPGA to achieve a ultra-high programming speed.

Largest Device Support Located in Silicon Valley, we keep good relationships with many major IC companies that are important for us to continuously support new devices. SuperPro 6100 currently supports more than 100,000 devices, which is the largest device library in the programming industry. Requested device algorithms can be added within a week - average lead time from other manufacturers is over two months.

Built-in 144 Pin Driver Most universal IC programmers are designed with 48 pin driver or less. Programmers with a 48 pin driver design need special adapters (pin mapping) to accommodate devices with more than 48 pins. Bottom boards needed for pin mapping can quickly increase production costs just to support one package type. SuperPro 6100N is equipped with a built-in universal 144 pin driver to accommodate large pin count devices. One universal adapter accommodates all devices with the same package type.

Stand-Alone Mode Unlike many other universal programmers in the industry, SuperPro 6100N is capable of operating in stand-alone mode. Under stand-alone mode, SuperPro 6100 can be operated by an inexperienced operator with minimal training. Once the project file is selected, the operator only has to insert a blank chip and remove the programmed chip upon beeping. This ensures a minimal chance that an operator will make a mistake. Users can also use clusters of stand-alone programmers to achieve high volume production. Last but not the least, stand-alone mode saves both the cost of PC and labor of the trained and qualified operator.

Tester for Logic Devices and SRAMs In addition to having a large device library, SuperPro 6100 programmer is also designed for IC testing of varioudevices such as TTL, CMOS Logic (74/4000 series), and SRAM memory devices.

Hardware and Electrical Specifications

Devices supported

EPROM, Paged EPROM, Parallel and Serial EEPROM, FPGA Configuration PROM, FLASH memory (NOR), BPROM, NVRAM, SPLD, CPLD, EPLD, Firmware HUB, Microcontroller, MCU

Package types supported


PC interface

USB 2.0

Stand-alone memory

Compact FLASH Card

Power supply

AC Adapter: Input AC 100V- 240V; Output: 12V/1.5A


Main unit: 148(L) x 216(W) x 94(H) mm

Package: 301(L) x 252(W) x 145(H) mm


Main unit: Weight 3.5 lbs (1.6 Kg)

Package: Weight 6.2 lbs (2.8Kg)

Expanded Features

Operate multiple units to construct a concurrent multi-programming system. Cluster 1-15 units for flexible volume production.

Support devices with Vcc from 1.2V - 5V.

Support files up to 256 GB.

Over-current and over-voltage protection for safety of the chip and programmer hardware.

Only IC manufacturer approved programming algorithms used for high reliability.

Vcc verification (at +5% ~ -5% and +10% ~ -10%) enhances programming reliability.

Ac Acessories:

Main unit with a DIP48 adaptor, AC adaptor, USB2.0 cable, user manual, software CD, register card

Optional accessories: adaptor in varies packages, CF card for stand-alone operation.

Packing List:

1 * XELTEK SuperPro 6100N Programmer

1 * AC Adapter: Input AC 100V- 240V; Output: 12V/1.5A

1 * USB Cable

1 * CD Software

1 * DX0001 Adapter

1 * TSOP48 Adapter

1 * SOP28-DIP28 (300mil) Adaptador

1 * SOP20-DIP20 (200mil) Adaptador

1 * SOP8-DIP8 (200mil) Adaptador

1 * SOP16-DIP16 (150mil) Adaptador

1 * SOP8-DIP8 (150mil) Adaptador

1 * TSSOP8-DIP8 (170mil) Adaptador

1 * PLCC44-DIP44

1 * PLCC44-DIP40

1 * PLCC32-DIP32

1 * PLCC28-DIP28

1 * PLCC28-DIP24

1 * PLCC20-DIP20

1 * SOP8-DIP8 Simple Adaptador

1 * QFN8 WSON8 Simple Adaptador

1 * MSOP8/SSOP8/SOP8/SOP16-DIP16 Simple Adaptador

2 * SSOP4-28PIN 0.65mm / SOP4-28PIN 1.27mm Simple Adaptador

1 * LCD LED screen EDID code

1 * SOP8 Clamp Test

1 * IC Chip Extractor


XELTEK SuperPro 6100N Universal IC Chip Device Programmer NEWEST version + 20 Adapters EDID code

QFP64 to DIP64 CHIP PROGRAMMER SOCKET QFP6405REV2 TypeU adapter socket


QFP64/LQFP64/TQFP64-0.5 (compatible with XWDZ-QFP64-0.5/FPQ-64-0.5-06)

Product use:

Programming block and test stand, burning and testing the IC chip of QFP64.

Suitable for packaging:

QFP64 LQFP64 TQFP64 CQFP64 pin Pitch 0.5mm


The bottom pin is fully led out by the chip, which is convenient for the two development.

Overall size of the seat:

Long 57mm, wide 50mm

Common: STM32 QFP64 encapsulation

STM32L1xxR series (e.g. STM32L151R8, STM32L152RB)

STM32F0xxR series (e.g. STM32F051RC, STM32F051RB)

STM32F1xxR series (e.g. STM32F103RC, STM32F100RB)

STM32F2xxR series (e.g. STM32F207RC, STM32F215RB)

STM32F3xxR series (e.g. STM32F303R8, STM32F373RB)

STM32F4xxR series (e.g. STM32F407RC, STM32F415RB)


QFP64 to DIP64 CHIP PROGRAMMER SOCKET QFP64-0.5-REV2 Type-U adapter socket