Batteria per Sony VAIO SVT14 SVT15 114V 3760mAh VGPBPS33
Batteria per Sony VAIO SVT-14 SVT-15 (11.4V 3760mAh) VGP-BPS33
Buy BGA repaired Nozzle: * BGA repaired Nozzle Operation manual
Total Power 4400W
Top heater 800W
Bottom heater Second heater 1200W, IR preheating
Power supply AC220V10% 50/60Hz
Dimensions L570*W550*H570mm
Positioning V-groove, PCB support can be adjusted in
any direction with external universal
Temperature control K Sensor, Closed loop
Temp accuracy 2?
PCB size Min: 20mm*20mm, Max:
BGA chip 2*2~80*80mm
Minimum chip spacing 0.15mm
External Temperature Sensor 1(optional)
Net weight 30 KG
DH-380 Main functions:
Three independent heaters all can set 8 segments heating, cooling and constant
temperature, save up to ten temperature profiles. IR preheat area can be controlled
according to PCB size
ARM control system and laser positioning, repairing all kinds of computer
motherboards and PC.
Embedded Industrial PC, high definition drawer style touch screen interface, PLC
control, and instant profile analysis function. Real-time settings and actual temperature
profile display can be used to analyzed and correct parameters if necessary.
K-type close circuit control and automatic temperature adjustment system, with PLC
and temperature module to enable precision temperature control of 2 degC. External
temperature sensor enables temperature monitoring and accurate analysis of real time
temperature profile.
V-groove PCB support for rapid, convenience and accurate positioning that fits for all
kinds of PCB board. Flexible and convenient removable fixture
Various sizes of BGA nozzles, which can be adjusted 360 degree for easy installation and
High powerful cross-flow fan and protect cover to enable fast cooling of PCB board
and prevent it from deformation.
Vacuum sucker and vacuum pen
Voice "early warning" function. 5-10 seconds before the completion of uninstalling or
welding, voice reminder / warning to get the workers prepared. Cooling system will start
after vertical wind stopped heating. When the temperature drops to room temperature, the
cooling process will stop, so that the machine will not age after heated up.
CE certification, with emergency switch and automatic power-off protection device
when emergency happens.
Nessuna opinione al momento
Batteria per Sony VAIO SVT-14 SVT-15 (11.4V 3760mAh) VGP-BPS33
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