Smart Mini CN90x900
Programmatore chiave Transponder Smart Mini CN900 Mini CN900
TNM5000 TSOP56 adapter Device support list
TSOP56 adapter Device support list
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lease note: This adapter set is only for TNM5000 Programmer. Other programmers cannot use it!
This adapter set can be used for TSOP56 package chips. For All 56 Pins TSOP Type-1 (20mm Pin-Pin Lenght) , You Need Only one adaptor Model 556T2 , with different sets of bottom plates which can be easily exchanged by user.
The set comes with 1 TSOP56 ZIF board and 4 base boards, just like the pictures show.
Package include:
1pcs TNM TSOP56 ZIF Socket top board (made in Japan)
1pcs TNM TSOP561 bottom board
1pcs TNM TSOP562 bottom board
1pcs TNM TSOP563 base board
1pcs TNM TSOP564 base board
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