Limit Frame RT BGA221 01 EMMC153 EMMC169 Adattatore EMMC per RT809H Programmatore
RT-BGA221-01 Adattatore EMMC153 EMMC169 EMMC per RT809H Programmatore
Telaio 11x10
Telaio 12x16
Telaio 14x18
This adapter can use on RT809H XGecu TL866II Plus, T56 programmer and other universal programmers such as Superpro, TNM, TOP, GQ-4X, Stager, SOFI and so on.
Applicable IC Dimensions(REF.) : both 6*5MM
Applicable IC Package:
Pitch: 1.27mm
Nessuna opinione al momento
RT-BGA221-01 Adattatore EMMC153 EMMC169 EMMC per RT809H Programmatore
Telaio 11x10
Telaio 12x16
Telaio 14x18
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